How to House Train a Stubborn Dog? 

how to house train a stubborn dog?

How to House Train a Stubborn Dog? 

How to House Train a Stubborn Dog? House training a stubborn dog can be a challenge, but it is definitely possible with patience and consistency. The key is to understand why your dog is being stubborn and to use positive reinforcement to teach them the desired behavior.

There are a number of reasons why a dog might be stubborn. Some dogs are simply more independent and less motivated to please their owners. Others may have had negative experiences in the past, such as being punished for accidents. And still others may simply be testing their limits.

No matter what the reason, it is important to be patient and understanding when house training a stubborn dog. Yelling or punishing them will only make the problem worse. Instead, focus on rewarding them for good behavior and making the potty training process as positive as possible.

How to House Train a Stubborn Dog? A Comprehensive Guide

Getting Started

The first step in house training a stubborn dog is to choose a designated potty spot. This should be a place outside where you want your dog to go to the bathroom. It is important to choose a spot that is easy for your dog to access and that is away from high-traffic areas.

Once you have chosen a potty spot, it is time to start taking your dog out there on a regular basis. Puppies should be taken out every 2-3 hours, while adult dogs can usually go longer. It is also important to take your dog out after meals, after naps, and before bed.

When you take your dog outside to potty, be sure to use a consistent cue word, such as “go potty” or “outside.” This will help your dog to learn what you are asking of them.

Positive Reinforcement

Positive reinforcement is the key to house training a stubborn dog. When your dog goes potty in the right spot, be sure to praise them and give them a treat. This will let them know that they are doing a good job and will encourage them to repeat the behavior.

If your dog has an accident in the house, do not punish them. This will only make them more afraid and will make them less likely to go potty in the right spot. Instead, simply clean up the mess and take your dog outside to potty.


Consistency is essential when house training a stubborn dog. Be sure to take your dog outside to potty at the same times every day and to use a consistent cue word. This will help your dog to learn what you are asking of them and to develop a regular potty schedule.

It is also important to be consistent with your rewards. Always praise and treat your dog when they go potty in the right spot. This will help them to learn that they are doing a good job and will encourage them to repeat the behavior.

How to House Train a Stubborn Dog? 

Tips for Training a Stubborn Dog

Here are a few additional tips for training a stubborn dog

Be patient and understanding. House training a stubborn dog may take longer than housetraining a more compliant dog.

Use positive reinforcement. Praise and treat your dog when they go potty in the right spot.

Be consistent. Take your dog outside to potty at the same times every day and use a consistent cue word.

Crate train your dog. Crate training can help to reduce accidents in the house and can make housetraining easier.

Seek professional help if needed. If you are struggling to housetrain your stubborn dog, consider hiring a professional dog trainer.

Here is a sample house training schedule for a stubborn dog

Every 2-3 hours during the day

After meals

After naps

Before bed

Here are some additional tips for house training a stubborn dog

If your dog has an accident in the house, clean it up immediately and completely. Any trace of urine or feces can encourage your dog to go potty in that spot again.

If you catch your dog in the middle of having an accident, clap your hands or make another loud noise to distract them. Then, immediately take them outside to potty.

If you are having trouble house training your stubborn dog on your own, consider hiring a professional dog trainer. They can help you to develop a personalized training plan and can teach you how to use positive reinforcement effectively.

With patience and consistency, you can housetrain even the most stubborn dog. Just remember to be patient and to use positive reinforcement.

How to House Train a Stubborn Dog? 


How to House Train a Stubborn Dog? House training a stubborn dog can be a challenge, but it is definitely possible with patience and consistency. By using positive reinforcement and being consistent, you can teach your dog to go potty in the right spot.

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Can Stubborn Dogs Be Trained?


Can stubborn dogs be trained?

Yes, stubborn dogs can absolutely be trained. It might take a bit more time and patience, but it’s possible. The key to training a stubborn dog is understanding their personality and finding the right motivators. Positive reinforcement techniques work wonders. This means rewarding your dog with treats, praise, and love when they do what you want. Consistency in your training approach is vital. Dogs, even stubborn ones, thrive on routines and clear expectations. If you’re finding it particularly challenging, consider enlisting the help of a professional dog trainer who has experience with stubborn dogs. They can provide guidance and techniques that are tailored to your dog’s specific needs. Read more

How do you fix a stubborn dog?

Fixing a stubborn dog’s behavior involves consistent training and positive reinforcement. Start by identifying the specific behaviors you want to address and then use clear, simple commands. Be patient and reward your dog when they do the right thing. It’s also essential to provide mental and physical stimulation to keep your dog engaged and prevent boredom, which can lead to stubbornness. Avoid harsh punishments as these can make the situation worse. If the problem persists, seek the guidance of a professional dog trainer who can help you develop a customized training plan.

How do you stop a dog from peeing and pooping in the house?

To stop a dog from peeing and pooping in the house, you’ll need to employ effective house training methods. Start by setting a regular feeding and potty schedule, and take your dog outside frequently, especially after meals, playtime, and waking up. Use positive reinforcement, like treats and praise, when your dog eliminates outside. Supervise your dog indoors, and when you can’t, consider using a crate to prevent accidents. If an accident occurs, clean it thoroughly to remove odors. Be patient, as house training takes time and consistency. If your dog continues to have accidents, consult with a veterinarian to rule out any underlying health issues.

How long does it take to potty train a dog?

The time it takes to potty train a dog can vary. Young puppies may take a few weeks to a few months to become reliably house trained, while older dogs may take a bit longer. It depends on factors like the dog’s age, breed, and individual temperament, as well as the consistency of training. With a dedicated effort, most dogs can be effectively potty trained within a few months, but it’s important to remember that setbacks can occur. Staying patient, using positive reinforcement, and maintaining a consistent routine are key to success.

How to get a stubborn dog to pee outside?

To get a stubborn dog to pee outside, you can follow these steps:

  1. Consistent Schedule: Establish a regular potty schedule, taking your dog out at the same times every day.
  2. Positive Reinforcement: Reward your dog with treats and praise when they pee outside.
  3. Patience: Be patient and wait for your dog to do their business, even if it takes a while.
  4. Use Commands: Use a cue word or phrase like “go potty” to encourage them.
  5. Supervision: Keep a close eye on your dog when they’re outside to ensure they pee and poop in the designated area.
  6. Avoid Punishment: Never scold or punish your dog for accidents, as it can make them anxious and less likely to go outside.
  7. Professional Help: If the stubbornness continues, consider consulting a professional dog trainer for guidance.

How to potty train a stubborn older dog?

Potty training a stubborn older dog can be more challenging, but it’s still possible. Follow similar steps as you would with a puppy but be patient and understanding of any potential physical limitations. Pay close attention to their signals and take them outside frequently. Use positive reinforcement to reward them for going outside. Keep them on a regular feeding and potty schedule, and consider crate training if needed. It may take longer with an older dog, but with consistent effort, you can successfully potty train them. If you’re facing significant difficulties, consult a veterinarian to rule out any medical issues, and a professional dog trainer for tailored guidance.

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